= 20231220 = * Added checks: Style Variations tag for block theme * Update: Team name from Theme Review Team to Themes Team * Tested with WordPress 6.4 = 20230417 = * Fixed Full Site Editing tag for block theme in WordPress.org = 20230412 = * Added checks: Full Site Editing tag for block theme * Added checks: Update URI in style.css header * Added checks: Style Variations tag to the list of valid tags * Fix: PHPCS for WP version lower than 8.x * Fix: PHPCS issues * Update: Composer version = 20220929 = * Update: Removed index.php requirements for block theme = 20211203 = * Update: FSE theme folders to the new proposed structure = 20210921 = * Fix: `tc_filename()` to always return theme-relative paths when possible. * Fix: Correct the block theme adaptation check to work in WordPress.org Theme Uploader * Fix: Update the texts of the script tag check and the WP_Filesystem check. * Fix: Allow pre, link and code tags when presenting the result. * Fix: Allow phpcs.xml and development tool configuration files (postcss, stylelint etc). * Fix: Correct the theme information display on the plugin page. * Fix: Add template-editing to the list of allowed tags. * Fix: Solve PHP notice in the i18n check. * Reduce the severity level of the following checks: Favicon, wp_title, title tag * Added checks: Requires PHP versioning, Tested up to versioning, add_role, copyright notice * Removed checks: content_width, Theme URI and Author URI must not be the same, emoji scripts = 20210617 = * Introduced a generic function, run_themechecks_against_theme(), that allows it to be run against a WP_Theme instance, rather than relying upon global state * Adapted checks for block themes. Create a list of the checks that are skipped for block themes (full site editing themes) * Fix: Avoid false positives in title checks * Fix invalid regular expression in the customizer check * Fix: Avoid false positives when .svn/.git/.hg/.bzr exists within the path to a theme * Fix: Allow .map files * Fix Non GPL sites check: Adjust the unsplash text, add vecteezy and update a link for undraw that was not correct * Fixed a bug where all the theme information was not showing on the plugins admin page * Added a check for files required by block themes * Added checks for block patterns and block styles * Added checks for custom logo, html5, responsive embeds, align-wide, wp-block-styles * Split the Style_Needed check into two: Screen_Reader_Text_Check and Style_CSS_Header_Check * Split the Title_Checks into two: Title_Check and Theme_Support_Title_Tag_Check * Removed warnings about file_get_contents() and encourages it's usage over WP_Filesystem for general IO operations * New error message for HTTP methods, to use the WordPress HTTP library instead * Removed dep_recommended.php and moved items into class-deprecated-check.php * Removed unused code from the file names check * Codestyle improvements, including new file names for checks * Reduce the severity level of the following checks: Admin menu, comments, comment reply, content width, gravatar, pagination, post formats, script tag, search form, suggested styles, tags = 20200922.1 = * Reformatting of main.php and checkbase.php * Additions to malware checks in badthings.php * Spacing fix in postthumb.php * Improved check for tags in styletags.php = 20200731.1 = * Added add_menu_page & add_submenu_page to the allowed functions list * Added loco.xml to the allowed files list and extend the allowlist check functionality to support an array of (possible) filenames. * Updated error messages = 20200611.1 = * Added escaping checks * Added tested up to and Requires PHP checks for the style.css * Added register_block_type to plugin territory check * Check for remove_action wp_head * Changed some checks from errors to warnings * Updated error messages * Updated regex for non printable characters * Fixed parse errors * Removed unused functions = 20200504.1 = * Contributor and URI adjustments * site_url checks * smarter nav menu and favicon checks * additional filename blacklist checks * developer files added to github (phpcs, composer, attributes, gitignore, etc) * improvements to existing checks, move some warnings to required to reflect updated guidelines * check for themes being copies of underscores * check for non-gpl-compatible sites used for images * Add warnings for demo content * Update links in messages to point to new development and documentation locations * disallow dashboard widgets in themes = 20190801.1 = * Fix missing nonce and nonce check on admin page. props Steven Stern for reporting the issue to the plugins team. Though this is technically a CSRF, there is no vulnerability arising from it, as the only thing that could be done with the form is to scan a theme. = 20190208.1 = * Add new styles for the block editor. See https://meta.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/3921 = 20160523.1 = * Fix for theme-names with dashes in them * Comments stripping changes * Many changes by the theme review team and others. See Github for full change list. = 20151211.1 = * Full sync with Github and all the changes that have happened there. * Release for 4.4 deprecated functions. = 20140929.1 = * Added new checks and updates from Frank Klein at Automattic. Thanks Frank! * Updated deprecated function listings * Customizer check: All add_settings must use sanitization callbacks, for security * Plugin territory checks: Themes must not register post types or taxonomies or add shortcodes for post content * Widgets: Calls to register_sidebar must be called from the widgets_init action hook * Title: